Square unit calculator
Square unit calculator

square unit calculator

Units: Note that units of length are shown for convenience. Calculator by Alastair Hazell References.

square unit calculator

In terms of usage, carpets and wooden floors are commonly priced by the square meter.


To give you an idea of size, large bay windows are sometimes the equivalent of a square meter. The result is always a squared unit, e.g. Use this calculator if you know 2 values for the rectangle, including 1 side length, along with area, perimeter or diagonals and you can calculate the other 3 rectangle variables.Ī square calculator is a special case of the rectangle where the lengths of a and b are equal. A square meter is equal to 10,000 square centimeters or a little over 10.76 square feet. Area of a triangle calculation using all different rules, side and height, SSS.

Square unit calculator